Registration is Now Open for the TLK 2024-25 Basketball Season!
Please use the link below to register your child for tryouts for TLK Basketball teams. Please read the information below for specific details concerning the upcoming season.
You must be a TRIAD district resident to tryout for TLK.
Link for Tryouts:
Tryout Dates and Times
2nd grade tryout location - Silver Creek Elementary School
2nd Grade Coed: TBD
3rd Grade Boys: TBD
3rd Grade Girls: TBD
4th Grade Boys: TBD
4th Grade Girls: TBD
5th Grade Boys: TBD
5th Grade Girls: TBD
6th Grade Boys: TBD
6th Grade Girls: TBD
A player is only required to attend one session, but attendance at both sessions for boys is highly recommended.
Team Formation and Fees – 3rd through 6th
Following tryouts, you will be notified by email or phone call if your child is selected for a team. Teams will consist of 8 to 10 players, depending on age and competitiveness level. The fees for each team will include regular season play, the Hustle & Heart Tournament, and possible additional tournaments.
3rd Grade Boys and Girls: $125 + $80 deposit (uniform and volunteer deposit)
4th Grade Boys and Girls: $150 + $80 deposit (uniform and volunteer deposit)
5th Grade Boys and Girls: $150 + $80 deposit (uniform and volunteer deposit)
6th Grade Boys and Girls: $200 + $80 deposit (uniform and volunteer deposit)
2nd Grade Coed League
Every child in 2nd grade will be placed on a team. We will hold evaluations on (Time and Location TBD). Players will then be placed on teams depending on ability. The goal is to form teams that are balanced and competitive with one another. Games for the 2nd grade league will always be held on Saturday mornings starting in early December.
We are extremely excited to be in the Triad gyms and once again host the Metro East Youth Basketball League. Every effort will be made to provide a safe and positive experience for your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any of our board members.
The TLK Board
Patrick Fulling
Jared Morris
Scott Schlaefer
Kevin Zawodniak
Cody Carlson
Cody Walthall